Monday, December 5, 2011

How I Keep my Memories

Mom's painting - bought for her when I had my gallbladder operation.

Why do I remember some things like this and not others?

As I walked past my mom's painting this morning, a vivid image burst into my mind - my strolls with her down the hallways of the Ravenswood hospital after my gallbladder surgery. She visited me almost every day of that week, difficult since it was the week before Christmas. She had the festivities to prepare for but here she was with me, gently coaxing me to "take another step, think of your baby waiting for you."

They had potraits and paintings lined up in those hospital halls. Mom stopped each time we came to the painting of the boat, alone in the water.  I bought that painting for her because she loved it. I was so lucky to have her able to take care of my baby while I recuperated from surgery. I knew she wouldn't take money for all that babysitting time.  The picture hung in her front room from then on.
Now that she's gone, I'm glad I have that picture to remember her.

Renoir - bought by my husband because it reminded him of me and his girls.

I know my husband sees his girls as toddlers, and the Renoir keeps them toddlers. I was exasperated with his purchase, but now I understand how fleeting those childhood days were. I love the idea that I might be thought of like that mother. My girls would probably argue that I never dressed them as well as that mom did. In my defense, they insisted on picking out their own outfits. They swear that's not true.

Portrait done by a parent at the girls' grammar school.

I worked at my girls grammar school. I was involved in the PTA, busing and their classes. I sometimes taught the class they were in (at extreme embarrassment to them) but mostly, I was there. Always in their lives. That's what the potrait reminds me of - the parent at Newberry wanted a family that was bonded to each other like no other family around. That was me and my girls. I couldn't get enough of them. They were funny, especially when bouncing jokes off of each other OR at my expense. (that happened a lot!) One day after school let out, this parent stopped me before I got into my car and asked if she could take our picture. We were thrilled! She snapped quite a few pictures in her studio before she settled on this one.

You can see our personalities so clearly in the photo!

Bonnie's friend was selling original paintings.

The painting I bought from a friend of Bonnie's kind of caught me off guard. I didn't need another picture, but I was really taken by this one. Had to have it. Why?? When I inherited my mom's painting, I finally realized why. I was back there, with her.


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