Saturday, October 29, 2011

Senioritis will not get the Better of ME!!

I worked at CPS for 22years and have now been "laid off." Shouldn't have been cuz I've got seniority. When the "powers that be" want you gone, all the arbitration and grievances filed aren't going to bring back what you had. It's gone. Final. Kaput.
People ask me why didn't I fight for my position. Well, it's simple. The fight, no matter what the result, will never give back to you what that final decree took away. So I didn't.
I go out with my girlfriends and find ways to laugh about it. Today, my friend K said that we are now "exponentially aging." I'm 62 years old and I get it. Boy, do I ever.
When I was in my 20's and 30's, I worked for Illinois Dental Service. (Doesn't exist as that now so I feel safe to mention the name.)
I was a major player - supervisor of the keypunch and clerical department. Had over 30 people working under me. My manager slept most afternoons. How he got away with that is beyond me but one day, it dawned on him that I was a major threat to his position. I knew way more about the operations than he did. He was slowly on his way out. So what did he do? He made my life miserable at every turn until I was about to resign. I even wrote a resignation letter and gave it to a trusted employee/friend. After I calmed down, I decided to stick it out.
Somehow he got wind of the letter. He coerced that poor girl into giving that letter to him and viola! I was out of a job.
So, I hired a lawyer. Fought the injustice of it for almost a year. I was given back a position in the keypunch department but like I said in the beginning, when it's taken from you, you don't ever get it back. Not ever in the way you remembered.
I lasted about a year feeling totally humiliated. I had to leave again. It let a bitter taste in my mouth and I was way too young to understand what that taste was.
Now as I've crossed the same path once again, I know what that taste is. Defeat, humiliation but, if you swirl it around a bit, taste it thoroughly and then spit it out, it becomes another great adventure in life.
I plan to change my course. Exponential aging will not be getting the better of me just yet.

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