Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Observing exponential aging in my husband.

Final Product

My husband decided to get rid of all the overflowing plants.
The final product is nice, neat and delightful, I must say. I also must say, why, after going through the hassle of chopping down a bleeding plant that oozed white syrup all over the floor, why try to root an avocado pit?? Is he even doing it right??

Why the new avocado plant?

Another thing about my husband - he naps, constantly. We wake up at 6:30am, take our granddaughter to pre-school and after returning to a yummy breakfast, he naps.
What I thought was really strange was that during the past weekend, when daylight savings was finally over - you know the saying, "Fall back, Spring forward?"
With that extra hour of sleep, you'd think he'd skip the nap. Nope. Matter of fact, he was even more tired so he took two!


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